Deathtrap holds the record as the longest-running comedy-thriller on Broadway. One of the great popular successes of Broadway history, this ingeniously constructed play offers a rare and skillful blending of two priceless theatrical ingredients: gasp-inducing thrills and spontaneous laughter.

DeathTrap Cast picture

DeathTrap Cast L-R: Michelle Hyatt as Helga Ten Dorp, Haley Atkinson as Porter Milgram, Kathy Madonna as Myra Bruhl, Drew Frady as Sidney Bruhl, and Brandon Hyatt as Clifford Anderson

SYNOPSIS: Sidney Bruhl is a successful writer of Broadway mystery plays who was at one time considered the Neil Simon of Broadway mystery writers. Unfortunately, Bruhl is now struggling to live up to his own reputation, suffering through a series of four consecutive flops. A possible break in his fortunes occurs when he receives a script from Clifford Anderson, a student in the seminar he has been conducting at a nearby college. Sidney’s plan, which he devises with his wife’s help, is to offer collaboration to the student, an idea that the younger man quickly accepts. Sidney’s actual plans, however, will prove to be much more sinister. What Sidney doesn’t know is that Clifford has some surprise plot points of his own up his sleeve. The suspense mounts steadily as the plot begins to twist and turn with devilish cleverness, and with such an abundance of thrills and laughter, that audiences will be held enthralled until the final, startling moments of the play.


DeathTrap by Ira Levin playbillPRODUCTION TEAM
Director: RC Wilkins
Producer: Rialto Players & Rialto Theater
Set Design: RC Wilkins
Lighting Design: Hannah Rhodes
Costume master: Tom Mongan
Properties: Catherine Thomas

Sidney Bruhl: Drew Frady
Myra Bruhl: Kathy Madonna
Clifford Anderson: Brandon Hyatt
Helga Ten Dorp: Michelle Hyatt
Porter Milgram: Haley Atkinson


Myra Bruhl, Sydney Bruhl, and Clifford Anderson

Myra Bruhl (Kathy Madonna), Sydney Bruhl (Drew Frady), and Clifford Anderson (Brandon Hyatt) in DeathTrap

Porter Milgram and Helga ten Dorp

Helga ten Dorp (Michelle Hyatt), and Porter Milgram (Haley Atkinson) in DeathTrap


Clifford and Helga

Clifford Anderson (Brandon Hyatt), Helga ten Dorp (Michelle Hyatt) in DeathTrap

Helga ten Dorp

Helga ten Dorp (Michelle Hyatt) in DeathTrap


Thanks to the production crew for a magnificent set design.


Deathtrap Set under construction

Deathtrap Set Construction

Deathtrap Set under construction

Deathtrap Set Construction

Deathtrap Set Construction

DeathTrap set construction

Deathtrap Set Construction