Rialto Rising
The Historic Rialto Theater is rising to its former glory, thanks to your generous donations and the hard work of the dedicated F.A.C.T. organization.
The Stairway to the (Future) Dressing Area is Done – December 2020
Before we could use the area under the stage for a dressing area, we needed new, safe stairs. Thanks to the tireless efforts of Larry Baker (with some help of the Board and volunteers) and your generous donations, we now have those stairs completed !!

The Carpet is Installed – September 2020
The tireless efforts of Larry Baker (with some help of the Board and volunteers) have brought this project to completion!!
The FACT Board of Directors is happy to show off our latest renovation!!

The Floors Are Finished – September 2020
We made good use of the Covid downtime to get the floor refinished!

Concession Area In Use

Concession Area Make-Over
April 2018

Images of the main concession area before, during, and after renovation.
Concession Area In Use

Concession Area Make-Over
April 2018

Images of the main concession area before, during, and after renovation.

Images of the public access side of the concession area before, during, and after renovation.
New Box Office is Complete
March 2018

Entryway Gets a Face Lift
July 2017

Rialto entryway getting a face lift just in time for the private wedding on August 5!
Before the new concrete entryway is poured, board member, Larry Baker, installed a new down spout and drain from the marquee so water will now drain directly under the sidewalk to the curb!
New Box Office is Complete
March 2018

Entryway Gets a Face Lift
July 2017

Rialto entryway getting a face lift just in time for the private wedding on August 5!
Before the new concrete entryway is poured, board member, Larry Baker, installed a new down spout and drain from the marquee so water will now drain directly under the sidewalk to the curb!

Work on The West Side
April 2017

Work on The West Side
April 2017

Another step forward as the west side fire exit doors and outside ADA ramp, railing and drain project and as well as the rear fire exit door are now installed and completed.
A major project in the process of gaining our Certificate of Occupancy.
Work on The West Side
Feb. 28 and March 1, 2017

Work continues today and major progress being made on the drainage tank and excavation work on the west side of the facility. (March 1, 2017)

Work begins on the west side fire exit doors, ramp excavation and drainage. (Feb. 28, 2017)
Masonry Magic
Feb. 15, 2017
Before and After Photos of the outside west wall. Three layers of bricks fully restored!
Downspout and Collector Addition
Feb. 6, 2017
A 50′ downspout and collector were installed on the rear wall of the Rialto to assist with proper drainage from the fly roof.
Fly Tower Fix
Jan. 31, 2017

All Masonry Services, Inc. employees from Florence take advantage of the warm weather and begin the extensive masonry renovation efforts on the outside of the Rialto Theater’s 50′ fly tower.
“Let There Be Light”
Jan. 2017

And now we have lights in the dropped ceiling…so bright it looks like Las Vegas at 3am! More ceiling tiles and lights installed last night and this week – Gettin’ ready for “Tomatoes”. A special thanks to the Projects team and the subcontractors for pulling out all of the stops to make this happen over the holidays!

Adding the frame work for the new drop ceiling is the #1 priority this week. It will create a new visual and audible appeal to the auditorium just in time for opening night of “It’s a Bad Year for Tomatoes” on January 20. Get your opening night reception tickets now for $35 which includes a reception, preferred seating, 2 free drink tickets and a post performance cast meet and greet! (Dec. 30, 2016)
“I never knew I could be in love with a ceiling, but I can’t get over how beautiful it is and how wonderful it is to see the Rialto Theater being handled with such loving care!” said Tonya Tingey after attending the “A Bad Year for Tomatoes” production.
Rialto in Neon
Dec. 23, 2016

Bathroom Stalls
Dec. 12, 2017

Before and after in the main level men’s room bathroom.
Bathroom Stalls Delivered
Nov. 2016
“Wood” You Like to See What We’ve Been Up To?
Aug. 2016

New stage construction.

New ADA ramp construction.
“Sprucing Up the Place!” – Summer 2016

“Stage Right”
Construction pictures as of May 3, 2016:

Starting stage reconstruction.

“Taking Care of Bizness!!” – Fall 2015